Executive/  Insurance / Legal Medicals

Many patients opt for episodic or annual “Executive Medicals”. This would involve a thorough head to toe examination in a patient who may be completely well, looking at the cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal and neurological systems. It would also involve blood pressure checks, weight/ height measurements ,eyesight, hearing, mobility, lung function testing and also full fasting blood work assesing cholesterol/ lipids, blood sugars/ diabetes,  liver and kidney function, iron and vitamin levels, thyroid function, a full blood count looking for anaemia, clotting issues or infections amongst other haematological and biochemical tests. Depending on these tests and their results this may result in further testing to include chest xrays,  ECGs, exercise stress testing, ultrasound, bone density scans, MRI, CT or Spirometry. It may involve memory and cognitive function tests if there are concerns about dementia, alzheimers, memory impairment or loss of function.

These medicals can be done for the individual for their own reassurance or for their insurance company, banks or solicitors for the purposes of a life assurance / insurance policy, making a will, a medicolegal report following an Occupational or Road Traffic accident. In many cases the costs of these medicals are covered by the insurer or bank. Not everyone needs every test and we would be cognicent of the costs and invasiveness of these tests and investigations. Consequently we would perform or recommend only those tests that we would feel are appropriate or necessary in any individual case.

Driving license medicals are also done in this practice. The medical would differ depending on the type of license; car, motorcycle, public service vehicle, Heavy Goods Vehicle etc. Certain factors such as a persons current medical or mobility issues, medications and eyesight are all important in assessing fitness for driving. The various driving license medical forms can be downloaded from the “useful forms” page.